Completing a water well in Voga - Mkadini
The AMF is in the process of completing a water well in Voga – Mkadini area. The communal water well as the community did not have enough sufficient funds to complete the drilling of the water well. A small fund is required to complete the last stage of the water well.
Drilling of a water well in Dunga community to provide the community easy access to clean and safe water for their daily use.
Building a water well tower with a tank required in the Dunga area to provide the community easy access to clean and safe water for their community mosque.
Drilling of two (2) water wells in Bambi community to provide the community easy access to clean and safe water for their daily use.
Drilling of a water well in Chaani community to provide the community easy access to clean and safe water for their daily use.
Drilling of two (2) water wells in Fuoni community to provide the community easy access to clean and safe water for their daily use.
Fujoni Primary School requires water well for their students.
If you would like to take part in this monetary or an in-kind please, contact Ms. Asma Mwinyi at The Asma Mwinyi Foundation (“AMF”) through:
M-Pesa: +255747600800
Tigo Pesa: +255677600800
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KCB Bank Tanzanian Ltd
Account Numbers:
TZS -A/C No: 3390537171
USD -A/C No: 3390537228
Sort code: 017011,
Bank code: 4606
Swift code: KCBLTZTZ
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3rd Floor,498 Renaissance Plaza
Hailey Selasie Road ,Masaki
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Zanzibar Maisara
Postal Address:
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